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Change the world,
Change the story!



If you have ever believed in the power of stories to change the world, now is your chance to join us in an online lab  teaming up storytellers, researchers and community activators. Each week you’ll be inspired by change makers before gathering online in a community of practice where you are encouraged to cross-pollinate ideas, explore new ways of thinking, and develop relationships with like-minded change-makers. Impact Team Labs will challenge, broaden, inspire and encourage you to form new teams and discover new insights that you will be able to share with industry leaders and policy makers in the final session. 


Over 6 weeks from the 15th of Feb - you will be guided by Emmy award-winning producer Cate McQuillen and award-winning writer, director, facilitator and playwright Katrina Irawati Graham. In the Lab we will be tackling the biggest issues of our times, including climate change, discrimination and racism. Across 6 sessions, we will be challenging our own beliefs and working together to flip these narratives of separation. Teams will have the opportunity to co-create stories and ways of working that envision and call us all to a better world. 


All sessions will be held on zoom (and we encourage applicants from across the country). Each week you will have access to pre-recorded content and exercises before coming together online for thought provoking discussions, activities, and ideation exercises. Along the way we will be examining exactly how we got here, as well as looking at the power of stories to create change. We’ll hear from experts who have been involved in meaningful impact as well exploring different ways we can measure impact. Lastly, we will be creating a community of people with a shared mission, to present new ideas and new stories (and renew some old ones) to the wider world. 


Thanks to funding from Screen Rights this is a free opportunity, but you must apply to join as places are limited. To register please fill in the below application form.




All applicants will be notified by the 1st of Feb, and even if you are unable to take part you will still receive access to the lab content.




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