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Impact Teams Lab

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Welcome to Impact Teams Lab. We are so glad you are here, and we are excited about our journey together over the next 6 weeks.  We will be exploring some big ideas, challenging our own perceptions and co-creating with one another; ideas, frameworks and perspectives on how we can take action on climate change and equity.


This lab will have 3 main components each week:

1. Content: A selection of pre-recorded content created and curated by the mentors for you to engage with before the Wednesday session. This should take you approximately 1 hour to engage with. 

2. Action: Each speaker will offer you a provocation or activity. Please engage with this and bring your reflection to the gathering.

2. Gathering: The gathering will be online on Wednesday for 2 hours. We will be exploring the topics and ideas covered in the pre-recorded content and working in groups. Sometimes our special guests will join us.


Below is the map of the topics we will be covering each week. Please note while you are divided into mentor groups that will focus on Climate Change or Equity, you will have access to ALL the content. Pre-recorded content for the week will be opened by Sunday.

Sitting by Campfire

The shortest distance between two people is a story.

Week 1 : 15 Feb

Gather round the Campfire: Connecting with Heart

This will be our first week together and we will be focused on getting to know one another. The content section will provide you with an opportunity to hear from the organiser Claire Marshall and mentors Katrina Irawati Graham and Cate McQuillen. You will also get the chance to explore short videos created by you and your lab cohort. We encourage you to use these videos get to know one another before we meet online on Wednesday. As we will be forming teams quickly.


Week 2: 22 Feb

What is the story that needs changing?

This week we will be exploring the current state of things, by examining the dominant stories, and why they need changing. In our content section our guests we will explore  how capitalism and 'the story of separation' has led to our disconnection from nature and each other.  Cate McQuillen will focus on facing the truth of climate change and exploring what are the stories and ideas we need to let go of to take effective action. Katrina Irawati Graham will focus on how capitalism has impacted our bodies and led to stories that 'other'.

Colorful Threads

Facts don't make a story but they feed it

Typewriter Keys

If you want to change the world change the stories. Charles Eisenstein

Week 3: 1 March

Transformational Storytelling 

This week we will explore how we shift narratives through transformational story-telling. Recognising that who tells the story matters. We'll learn about frameworks for transformational storytelling, and hear from screen practitioners about how they use it in their work. 


Week 4: 8 March

What we measure matters 

This week we will be exploring how we measure impact in more holistic and expansive ways to create change. We'll discuss implicit and explicit change and  hear about how experts in Hollywood are measuring narrative change and hear from experts in Australia on the state of our screen industry. We'll explore impact guides and new tools that are shaping not just how we measure impact but how we understand impact.




Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted
Albert Einstein

Community Garden

If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.

Week 5: 15 March

Stories and Communities

This week we will explore the relationship between stories and communities. We'll explore how we are all members of different communities and that this relationship must be dynamic not extractive. We will explore frameworks for empowering communities through the film-making process and learn from community activators about building resilient communities.

Week 6: 29 March

Campfire: Telling our stories

This week is our last week and we will be sharing our ideas for change with members of the screen and impact community. 


Our aim is NOT to pitch projects, instead to share what we have explored and created in the lab including frameworks, ideas, perspective shifts, policy recommendations and more. 


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has
Margaret Mead.

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